Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mother Hen

I have delt with alot of little crap heads during my life.Whiney children, obnoxious children, stubborn children. Do I tell the parents that I don't want their kid to come to my class or do I ask them if there is anything I should know on how to discipline them. No, I just deal with them. Do I single them out when there are a hand full of other children doing the same thing. No... Mother hen protecting her baby chick you may say... No. just am over the labels. Baby chick isn't making fun of others, doesn't bully, doesn't intentionally leave people out, doesn't judge, doesn't hate..He choose to come to this earth knowing he would have difficulties. But he faithfully accepted his challenge and he is unable to sometimes control his actions. He loves people and wants attention and he just wants to run around like a kid. Will he run off when he is bored. Yes. Will he struggle to stay focus on a subject that doesn't interest him. Yes, Will he draw back when things get to hard, Yes. But I'd rather have that special spirit then a child who knows better and chooses to be otherwise. Is it so hard to see beyond the disability?


Rebecca Jo said...

hugs and kisses to you and IT'S TIME TO WRITE THAT BOOK! One woman with the help of the spirit can change the world. Do it!

Zana said...

i believe it was a year before you told me he had a disability & even though i've only had him in small amounts of time...he has always behaved like a typical boy (just easier) no lie.

and we could all use that book of yours to clue us in on how clueless we are. what are you going to title it? about "Get It Straight People"

Kim said...

Some people just don't get it I guess.

We love Dorian so much, he is such a loving kid. Every time Clay looks at the calendar he always points to Dorian first and says thats Dor thats Dor. He doesn' do that with anyone else. I think it is so cute.