Well lets see Yesterday 20 degrees feels like 5degrees.
Well Yesterday Dorian comes home from school and tells me they had to go outside for recess. Crazy I know. so I called the school to ask who decided to have the kids play outside? WEll actually I asked what Idiot decided to have the kids outside. I asked would you put your pets out in this...no...well why in the Hell would you have your kids.
Response: Well Mrs Tait its just that its the first big chill of the season and we usually don't get this till February and people just aren't' use to it.
Alma: Do you have any idea how cold it was yesterday.
Response: Yes I stood out there for all the lunch recess
Alma: WEll that was smart.
Response" THat is why we tell the parents to bundle up their kids. WE didn't have any frost bite on the kids.
Alma: (About to go East Coast on him) WIth all the colds and flu going around is it really good to have the kids in warm, cold, then warm temperatures?
Response: ITs my policy and parents will support me in this. When I announced this in the gym to the parents the crowd applauded me for having the kids outside and being active.
Alma: I am all great for exercise but having kids out in this weather is more of a safety issue
Response: We take safety precautions we only allow them 8-12 minutes of recess.
ALma: I am sure parents don't want their kids out in this
Response: MOre parents will stand by me and would call me if I didn't send them outside for exercise.
Alma: Those parents are probably ones with fat kids who play video games all day.
Response: Sorry to hear all of this just write a note and have Dorian not go outside
Alma: Sorry to hear you feel like this
Hang Up
Alma called superintendent
Response: 4 other Elementary Schools didn't have their kids out today and it not his policy it a district policy that if it gets below a certain wind chill factor the kids DO NOT go outside. WE all need to be on the same page. I will take care of this matter.
Now don't get me wrong I believe our principal works hard and has to deal with all sorts of matters but really let have the kids outside so that they will get exercise. don't they have Gym? I got a call cause Dorian was late from the SaFety line wondering where he was. Where was mine safety call when my child got placed outside in weather like that?
Please be aware of this and send a note for your child or complain. If you feel its not to cold well then disregard this.
You Go Girl!! I can't believe they did that. Thats crazy cold to be outside especially for kids.
I'm thinking your principle has some issues. Why couldn't he just apologize?!?! Geez! The kids should have been taken to the auditorium & gotten some exercise there. About the Santa thing....I manipulated my Mom into telling me a month after I turned 5 & I was really sad. I wanted to believe the magic. What I tell Kaleb is that Santa is fun, but Christmas is really about Jesus's birthday. I just don't like the lying aspect of Santa, so I'm not pushing that he's real. Of course, Kaleb thinks Jack Skelington & Lightnig McQueen are real, so I don't know if I should worry quite yet :)
Love it!! Also it is wind chill not windshield:)
What's funny is Dorian has seen me buy him stuff and he tells me to just put it away in my closet. Then he still thinks Santa brings it to him. He forgets. Plus the on going reindeer that are in our back yard seem to prove me wrong to him.
so I called today to have eliza excused from recess & she said okay before I even gave the reason...your calls worked :)
Glad you called way to lay the law down
That's our Alma, you always stand up for what you believe in! I do have to say that most principals would just say sorry, it was a judgement call, and I thought it would be ok. I think he must have ego issues. It does seem like it was too cold to be out, why not use the indoor gym for exercise?
About your Santa blog, I had a parent complain to the principal that I told the kids in my class there was no such thing as Santa. This all came about because 1 of the boys was saying there was no Santa. And the kids were asking me. I just said, some people believe and some people don't believe. I personally have no problem either way. Both the thoughts are good.
Yikes, i can understand outside recess in the winter, but not when it's THAT cold! Come on, check the thermometer dude! I think anything below 32 degrees is too cold!
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