My friend Rebecca always inspires me with her blogs. I either laugh, cry or get worked up wanting to stand by her and Fight..Well today she wrote a blog about a Glimpse of her former self and here is my response.
I too ask myself where did I go? I never made menus or sewed but I was different. I have to say there are soo many things I love about myself now that I would never change...but some things I still long for.
I was super organized. I never liked hoarding things,everything had a place. My closet was organized by color and by style. My bed was made everyday and my refrigerator was organzied. I still do a little organizing but keep it to four times a year. I do a winter clean out, spring clean out, summer and fall clean out. I still love to rearrange my room like every other day. Some how though day to day pick up and paper organization went right out the window. Now I just search for friends closets or rooms I can organize.
I was ACTive. I went to the park and jogged the trails with my dog. I burned lots of calories. I loved going out dancing. I was up for anything. Wanna go on a hike and then just sit and talk..that was me. Wanna jump off a bridge just to see if you could..sure. Wanna go camping and have racoons try to get in your tent..sure just point me to the port a potties. (Notice my Southern slurring of words coming back.wanna) Now it aches me to even think of camping outdoors. WHy would I endanger my life and jump off something to prove a point. I am 30lbs over weight. Fear of what? Feeling better.. Maybe fear of that image consuming me. I was confident but with that came many challenges that I don't want to experience now.
I took time Getting Ready. I would spend about two hours getting ready. I would sit on the floor music playing doing my makeup, hair then change outfits like ten times. I walked out and got attention. MOst of all I felt pretty. NOw I shower at night, let my hair airdry, use the curls from sleepy head and make a style. Mascara goes on my thin sparse eyelashes which fall, and I don't think I own lipstick.
I feel like I am a fat girl trapped in an average girl body. Its like that show Cougar Town she pinches things on her body and says where the hell did that come from.
I said what I meant. Now with this one I think I have been a little refined. If you were acting stupid, I just told you. If you were bothering me, I just told you. Now I hold it in and explode but still tell you or I find better words. Although if you are customer service I usually revert back to my old ways.
NOw I am cautious which I find to be a good thing. I listen to others (sometimes, I just tune out) I know people's intentions, I mentor, I love serving, I cook and plan ahead, I budget, teach my kids, I have more girlfiriends that I like, I am using my talents, Imake better choices, I read my scriptures, I love children for a few hours, I know who I am and what I need to do.
I just need to get my groove back. How Alma got her groove back in theaters this spring.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Memory Funk
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6:35 AM
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From what I see the Alma groove is still there. I adore you...grooveless and all!
We are always harder on ourselves than others. I'm the same way with wanting to change things. Every one loves you because of your great qualities. I know that I wish I had some of yours.
I love you!
you are funny. you know you rock. kids take a little of our groove mine took my boobs. it happens, but we love our kids and the things that come with growing up.
The old Alma doesn't seem very different from the Alma I know. I'm glad you're not jumping off bridges anymore, though! :) I hear you on organizing. I really miss it, but what's the point? Then I just get upset when things get messed up 5 minutes later & it's easier to just keep it slightly messy :(:( Someday our homes will be organized, we'll have too much time to play with makeup, we'll wish we had the young knees to be active with & we'll miss these days more than the single carefree ones.
I certainly wish I could have any talent with organizing and Cleaning out! We are THE worst clutter bugs and pack rats. You can always organize my entire house. It might take you a month, but you would probably love it if that's what you like to do. There is PLENTY here! I was just thinking today I need one week at my house with no kids, to catch up and then do some fun things too. Where does the time go?
You were great at doing my ironing, folding of laundry and helping me start my basement room . . . but then it went back to the mess it is. We both need to get out of this and get our groove back . . can't wait to see what will happen next:) There is definitely some sexy in the both of us, it just needs to come out and SOON!
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