Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Scrouge, Grinch ....that's what they call me.

Yes I differ than most on telling kids about Santa Claus. I tell my kids that yes that is Santa but he doesn't buy you the gifts or come down the chimney. Wish stealer, believe smasher....Why do such a thing you ask? Well it all began 29 years ago Christmas Eve. I sat at the top of the stairs peeking through the stair rails and I watched my mother put an orange in my stocking. I didn't cry that there wasn't a Santa. I did confront my mother and from then on I tried many things to catch my mother once again. She said she was just looking to see what Santa brought me. Over the years I slept right by the tree to catch her put presents under it, I hid all the oranges so that when I didn't get one I could say " Gotcha" but to say the least I never caught her. I always knew my parents bought me the gifts and for me knowing that was a huge blessing. Even as a young child I had such an appreciation for the gifts they bought me, not because I got to unwrap the presents but because I knew what ever I opened my parents sacraficed to get that for me. And that is what put a smile on my face. I can remember a Christmas where I got a cabbage patch kid, I knew it was a fake but I smiled with joy cause i couldn't hurt their feelings and knew that they couldn't afford a real one. I also can remember living on Katherine St. and I could tell my mom was sad she couldn't give me much, She apologized before we opened the presents, but she didn't have to. That  box of crayons and coloring books were the best for me. I can't imagine what a parent must feel like if a kid were to complain about a present they got from Santa or from them.
Ry said that I am missing the whole point that its about believing and the joy that santa read your mind and got you what you wanted or in some cases things you didn't ask for but were awesome. Just cause it came from Santa it was amazing. HE found out at 8-9 there wasn't a Santa.
I laughed and said sorry you are a slow learner. I was 3 when I understood the whole thing. Either way I just want my kids to always be appreciative for what they are given,  I want them to know that behind that gift,, sacrafice and love were put into it just as our Greatest gift. Jesus Christ.


Tammy said...

well said i agree. I think my kids have gotten a mixed notion of christmas and birthdays for that matter. I want to start some new traditions!

Rebecca Jo said...

well said my dear!
my parents never led us to believe that Santa had left us the gifts under the tree. We were told that St. Nicholas had lived and shared gifts and that we should try to do the same. We opened our gifts on Christmas Eve right after we read Luke 2.
I do remember a lady in the neighborhood chewing my mother out because my brother had spilled the beans on Santa to her son. Oops!