Friday, August 22, 2008

OUr little Peanut

Today cAli went in for her check up. When we arrived there was a little girl in for her checkup. They put us right next to eachother. Cali sat there and let the nurse take all her measurements. Then the doctor came in and he had her do a few test, grasp, talking, walking, etc. She smiled and said Hi to him. He would draw on the paper, she would copy him. He gave us her info w/ percentiles.
Wt. 18 lbs 10%
Ht. 29 1/2" 50%
Head 44 25%
He said you have a petite little girl, average ht, and with a cute head. HE also said you can go ahead and give her lots of food...I said she eats like crazy..
Now, in the other room, SCREaMING!!!! NO! NO!NO!
Doc says: Okay now your girl is in the 90% in wt so you need to watch her weight. She is average in height and her head is okay..

Total opposites!! Although Cali did not like getting shots, she grabbed Lamby and sucked her fingers ..


Sundbergs said...

She is really growing even though she is tiny. I miss you guys.

Jensen said...

She is the most adorable little girl! Alyssa was 19 pounds at her 1 year check up and tiny - now she is almost as tall as me:) How fast they grow up!

Lindsay said...

Wow she is really a cutie. I forgot Alma that you were a photographer. Lindsay has really gotten into it to. Love you Guys

Chelle said...

She's so cute! So much of that is just genetics. Kaleb's usually in the 15% of weight, but he just finished eating his fourth pancake for lunch. Skinny kids are cute (and easy to carry).