So I got tagged. I have to go around and post pictures , no cleaning just taking pics now so people can feel better about their own messes at home and so they don't feel bad that they are spending so much time onthe computer blogging. So here are messes and free time at waste. I TAG
2.Closet(Yes I have no clothes..they are all Ryan)
3.Laundry Room(i do not like to put clothes away)
4.Toilet(Dorian left a present but I didn't want to photograph that)
5.My favorite Room(I love this room cause no one goes in it and I don't have to clean it)
6. What my kids are doing right now.(Cali making a mess on the sofa & Dorian now pulling Cali off the sofa and attacking his sister)
10. Dream Vacation( Greece, Italy)
I love it. Good self portrait. . . you look hot. Thanks for having dirty dishes too.
Great pics...
I wish my self-portrait would look like yours!:-)
Seriously I am jealous of your closet does Ryan actually keep it that clean?? You look beautiful if I took a picture of myself right now it would be very scary.
I actually had just cleaned it two weeks ago.The closet stays pretty much clean its our bedroom floors that are covered with clothes.
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