Dorian had his first Raingutter Regatta Race for Scouts. When we sat down to work on it he lost the parts with in the first ten minutes. After searching for them he began his adventure. Ryan helped him with the sanding. I helped his with painting. I got his spray paint since that seemed way easier than having him paint it. Two sprays and he was done. Then another coat and sealer. I had him trace skull bones and cut out a stencil so he could spray and put in on his sail. It came out a little funny but you get the idea. Before we left he said " I am going to win mom, I am a winner....(pause) MOm am I going to win?" I said honey probably not ...get use to it. Just have fun. I am sure there are some agro sailers out there.
Well Foot In MY MOUTH cause Dorian won every race. Not only did he win he Smoked Them. Here are some pics...notice how far ahead he is.
I am Proud.
Man he is super cute. Seems like such a sweet boy. Go Dorian! His ship looks awesome.
way to go Dorian! the pictures are adorable!!
So glad he won! However, he did lose one race to Clayton . . . oh yeah!! By the way, Ryan cheated:)
Go Dorian Go!!! It feels great to win, doesn't it. What a great experience for him. I think the boat looks awesome, too. Love that boy.
FYI :-) He never raced Clayton. After the races were over everyone was trying to race Dorian. His sail came unglued and he was so out of breath. So if Clayton wants to count that well.....ANd he didn't cheat. I can't help it if other mothers and fathers can't work the internet to check out how to build a faster boat. The directions are guidelines not limitations. Scouts encourage competition... OH its ON :-)
He is such a cutie I love how excited he was. I can't wait to see him.
Way to go! I'm so glad he had fun at his raingutter regatta. And winning is always more fun, isn't it?
Go Dorian! Positive thinking must work!!! Cute boat :)
haha, dorian knows how to WIN! Too funny! I think I would pass out if I had to blow a boat across the gutter like that. It looks like so much fun! On to the scouting world. Too fun!
doesn't it make you proud to see your kid win. I love this race because it is the kid who makes his boat win not dad's skill in building them. good luck dorian
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