Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Anniversary 3 mile HIke

Ry and I went on a Hike this year to celebrate our Anniversary. While on the hike we came to the agreement that hiking is pretty similar to marriage....it is going to be rough and tiring at times but if you have a little patience and work hard, it is so worth it. Once we got past the rocky parts going up hill, the view was so beautiful. Here are a few pics of our hike.


Cherie said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! You are a very nice wife to go on a hike for your anniversary.JK But I know the important thing is you got to spend some alone time together. Love you guys.

Kim said...

Wonderful pictures. I hope youguys had a great anniversary.

Tammy said...

those pictures are GORGEOUS! You are seriously so talented. Chad and I were just saying we should have you take some pictures of us the next time you are here! We haven't seen you guys in a while now. Seriously awesome pics though. I am trying to aspire to be that good! What program do you do your layouts with?

Tait said...

Thanks Tam!! ARe you coming to MO anytime soon? We are going to Vegas and then CA for Christmas, but we will be here for Thanksgiving. ..I use Adobe photoshop..I just set my canvas to a desired size and then take each pic and place them where I want them. I probably take the long way to do it. I am sure there are programs that have templates that you just drop your pics in.

The Ward Family said...

That's very sweet. I love the outdoors. Life is so hectic, the outdoors bring so much peace. Happy anniversary! Great pictures also!

Tolley Family said...

Love your analogy! And I also love your pics. It is so pretty there. I hope I get to visit you sometime soon. :)