Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dorian's Halloween Party

Dorian had a class party yesterday. They started out with a parade, where they visited classrooms around the school. Then they came back and had a yummy snack. Oh course Dorian likes to make the caprisuns explode by blowing air into them...He made a mess but cleaned it up. Then they had a relay race where they would scope up candy corn and transfer to another bowl. Dorian did so good although he was tempted to eat the candy corn while running. After the race they made candy bags for trick or treating. He was so excited we where there. When I left he gave me a big hug and kiss and told everyone he loved me. But I think he loves showing his sissy Cali off more.


Tolley Family said...

I love his costume! You can tell he had so much fun! :)